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The work is executed in acrylic on canvas. It is a colorful abstraction that uses bold and vibrant colors to create an energetic composition. The artist may have used dynamic brushstrokes and varied textures to evoke a sense of movement or emotion. The abstract nature of the piece allows for an open interpretation, encouraging viewers to engage with the painting on a personal level. The choice of colors and the interplay of light and dark tones may contribute to an overall mood or atmosphere, while the forms could suggest fluidity or chaotic harmony. Each element of the painting likely contributes to a larger, unified visual experience that is both striking and thought-provoking.
Ingelijst: Ja
Medium: Acrylverf
Gesigneerd: Ongesigneerd
Oplage: Uniek kunstwerk
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Aangeboden door: 002
Gratis ophaling bij verkoper in: tbilisi, Georgië (Rep.).
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