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Jose Soler

The Dog KH

Jose Soler - The Dog KHJose Soler - The Dog KHJose Soler - The Dog KHJose Soler - The Dog KH

José Soler is a sculptor based in Spain whose works have been exhibited nationally, as well as in Monaco, Italy, and France. Through each of his pieces, he endeavors to bring out the melody that lives within each of us. Soler cites the conversion of cold steel into sculpture as being his way of connecting with what is invisible to our eyes and what can only perceived with universal feelings. Keith Haring's social dog is one of his icons. By presenting the barking dog, he called people to get up and protest the economic-social situation of the moment, the situation of the 1970s and 80s in New York, in fact he was one of the fundamental creators to understand the roots of art related to the political protest. Even Bansky has paid tribute to Haring by using this famous dog. Like Bansky, Haring was very popular thanks to the visual impact and political energy of his work. Check his artworks and prices:


Aangeboden door: EduArt
Gratis ophaling bij verkoper in: Haaltert, België.

De verkoper verzendt binnen 3 werkdagen na ontvangst van bericht van de betaling. Wint u meer dan één kavel van dezelfde aanbieder in dezelfde veiling, dan betaalt u maar één keer verzendkosten. U betaalt in dit geval alleen de hoogste verzendkosten.
België 55€
Nederland 65€
Frankrijk 75€
Europa 100€
Wereldwijd 150€

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