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Denis Mihai

Viqing queen

Denis Mihai - Viqing queenDenis Mihai - Viqing queenDenis Mihai - Viqing queenDenis Mihai - Viqing queenDenis Mihai - Viqing queenDenis Mihai - Viqing queen

The work was created in 2024 by the artist painter Denis Mihai. - The seller is the painter of this work. - Comes with a hand-signed certificate of authenticity from Denis Mihai. - The work is in excellent condition. - Canvas with white primer, colors were used, made in Italy, super quality. - The canvas is delivered rolled. - The canvas will be delivered without a wooden frame. - Shipping is done by roll, by means of a recognized courier service. - Worldwide delivery is possible. Denis Mihai,graduate of the Ploiesti Popular Art College,graduated the Law Institute from Bucharest, had as his master the famous Romanian painter Dan Platon, one of the most valuable and appreciated Romanian painters, a member of the Union of Plastic Artists from Ploiesti (1931-2006).He easily approaches both the classic and the modern, abstract style. Attentive to both form and color, the painter Denis Mihai tries to capture the essence of matter and add a superb color to them.Painting was a passion, not a job. Working as an entrepreneur for many years, painting has been a breath of fresh air, over the years, the best friend, whom she will never give up.


Aangeboden door: DenisMh
Gratis ophaling bij verkoper in: Ploiesti, Roemenië.

De verkoper verzendt binnen 3 werkdagen na ontvangst van bericht van de betaling. Wint u meer dan één kavel van dezelfde aanbieder in dezelfde veiling, dan betaalt u maar één keer verzendkosten. U betaalt in dit geval alleen de hoogste verzendkosten.
België 60€
Nederland 60€
Frankrijk 60€
Europa 60€
Wereldwijd 80€

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