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Sébastien Theys

The Blast (v8)

Sébastien Theys - The Blast (v8)Sébastien Theys - The Blast (v8)Sébastien Theys - The Blast (v8)Sébastien Theys - The Blast (v8)Sébastien Theys - The Blast (v8)Sébastien Theys - The Blast (v8)Sébastien Theys - The Blast (v8)

Prachtig werk van de zeer beloftevolle kunstenaar Sébastien Theys. Mixed media werk: Seriegrafie + Acryl + spray (zo is elk werk uniek) Titel: The Blast (reeks van 10 originele werken, dit is nummer 8) Art director, SÉBASTIEN THEYS is also a self-taught graffiti artist who lives in Nivelles. He paints an abstract and colorful universe inspired by urban art. Cartoon characters and black lines energetically break up his paintings and give a dynamic aspect to his work. The colors that regularly appear in his artworks are mainly pink, yellow and blue. Each artwork is the result of an improvisation which allows him to express himself through paint splashes and characters directly coming from his childhood. His abstract work offers the freedom of interpretation but also the possibility to lose oneself in the many colors used. He likes to think that his artworks are a journey inside himself, where the black line represents a timeline leaving many souvenirs behind.


Aangeboden door: Privé verkoop gestockeerd bij veilingmeester
Gratis ophaling bij veilingmeester te Aalst, België.

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