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Walid Kammoush

Escaping death on land to death in the sea

Walid Kammoush - Escaping death on land to death in the seaWalid Kammoush - Escaping death on land to death in the seaWalid Kammoush - Escaping death on land to death in the seaWalid Kammoush - Escaping death on land to death in the sea

Escaping from injustice, war, or other hardships in the hope of finding a better life. Historically, this concept has been associated with the idea of seeking refuge or a new beginning by embarking on a perilous journey across the sea. This theme has been depicted in various literary works and cultural narratives, often symbolizing the pursuit of freedom and a fresh start. When the people were forcibly displaced and war broke out in their homeland He was forced to escape and experience dangers through death boats Children, women and men, waves and death do not separate them


Offert par: walid48
Retrait gratuit chez le vendeur à: istanbul, Turkey.

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