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Gianluca Fascetto

“El” , 2019 Gianluca Fascetto, Italy Oil, Lacquer on Wood 30x30cm

El, 2019 Gianluca Fascetto, Italy Oil, Lacquer on Wood 30x30cm ... among the many doubts I have, this is one of my few certainties: the Bible does not speak of God. When it speaks of Jahwè, it means an individual who is part of a group of individuals called Elohim, led by someone who was called Elion. These individuals had a relationship with humanity, but a special relationship in the sense that they are somehow manufactured. Jahwè was one of these, among other things also one of the less important. In short, a reality emerges which is confirmed by the sacred books of other peoples, of all the continents of the Earth, which essentially tell us exactly the same things, obviously with a different terminology because they are different languages, different culture ... But the it's always that. "


Offert par: FascettoGianluca
Retrait gratuit chez le vendeur à: Cinigiano , Italy.

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